Working together for a fairer, more equal, democratic and sustainable Sussex

An Election to Changes Elections!

Swap Your Vote for PR.  

Help WelcomeIMG_0535.jpeg
26 June, Leafletting Brighton Pavlion:
27 June, Leafletting West Worthing
29 June, Stall 1 July, Leafletting    

Vote Swap Launch Soon 

As we enter the final two weeks of this election it looks like the Tories will, deservedly, be punished for 14 years of inept, shambolic governance, cruel and vindicative policies, and corruption.

Progressives across the country are looking forward to that moment when we finally see the back of this sorry apology for a government. But is this enough?

Compass want this to be an election that will change elections. We want: 

  • a strong group of MPs who support and will campaign for PR
  • the election of pluralist and progressive MPs, including Labour, LibDem, Greens and others  

This is the reason (in consultation with our members and supporters) that we have endorsed Sian Berry, the Green Candidate for Brighton Pavilion and Beccy Cooper Labour Candidate for West Worthing. For further information on why we support these two candidates please see our leaflets here.

Brighton Pavilion

West Worthing 

This is what we have planned so far in the run up to the big day:

This Wednesday 26th - Brighton Pavilion

2.00 - 3.30pm - House to house leafleting near Fiveways

Meet outside the Coop on the corner of Ditchling Road and Preston Drove to leaflet in streets nearby.  We will then go for a tea break at the Rotunda cafe in Preston Park, before....

4.45 - 6.15pm - Leafleting outside Preston Park station

Thursday 27th - Worthing West

 2.30 - 4.00pm - House to house leafleting - Tarring area

Meet outside Worthing West station at 2.30 pm, possibly followed by some leafleting outside Worthing station.  

 Saturday 29th - Stall - probably Brighton, 11-2

Monday 1st July - afternoon leafleting, Brighton, time tbc

If you live in the area, Lewes Compass would also welcome your support. Contact them at:

 Lewes Email / Twitter / Facebook / Instagram



Clive Lewes and Poster


About Brighton and Hove Compass 


Click here to sign up to our Mailing List


Nationally and locally, Compass campaigns for the good society, one that is more equal, democratic, and sustainable. We believe that no single organisation or political party can create the good society. And that the main progressive parties have far more in common than differences. So, we need to develop new and radical collaborations to achieve a good society.  

Brighton and Hove is an amazing creative and progressive place with a vibrant artistic, community and voluntary sector. A city with an great track record of campaigning that remains as alive as ever with Pride, Black Lives Matter and others.  And we are fortunate to have a council with a progressive majority. But our city is also a place where wealth and extreme poverty, poor housing, low paid and seasonal work, and homelessness sit side by side so, when we re-launched our local Compass group in 2020, our priority was to support Brighton build back better after the pandemic. However, our local collaboration can only achieve so much without changing Britain’s centralised, short term and tribal political system. We believe that there are three key elements getting in the way:

- Our unfair electoral system 

- Our tribal politics 

- Our over centralised national and local political systems. 


We are:

  1. Campaigning to Win as One by reaching out to other progressives across Sussex to develop and network of local Compass groups and alliances. We will focus particularly in those constituencies where the majority of voters are progressive but, because of the first-past-the-post voting system, they fail to return a progressive MP.
  2. Exploring ideas, discussing issues and planning strategies. We do this at our bi-monthly coffee mornings and other events in Brighton and Hove.

Brighton and Hove Compass is coordinated by a volunteer steering group of five. 

Join Compass here  And email us locally at 


Promoted by and for Compass Campaigns Ltd., 10 Salamanca Place, London, SE1 7HB